Tuesday 19 April 2011

Wakfu Review

Square Enix’s tactical role-playing MMO Wakfu will be hitting open beta on April 27th.  I’ve had the opportunity to play in the closed beta, and thought now might be a beneficial time to let you know what I’ve thought of the game.  Before I do that though, I feel that I must bring you up to speed on what exactly Wakfu is.

Wakfu is a sequel to a popular game, mainly in Europe, called Dofus.  So popular, in fact, that there is even a television series and oodles of merchandise.  Wakfu brings a refreshing change to the current MMORPG’s that we are currently seeing.  

I’m going to start with character creation.  The character creator was simple and to the point.  You begin by choosing whether you’re male or female, move on to which class you would like to play, customize, and give yourself a name.  If I’ve heard correctly there will be fourteen classes at launch.  Currently in closed beta, there are four classes to choose from:  

1.  Sadida’s Shoe:  This character summons plants and dolls to help fight and heal.

2.  Eniripsa’s Hand:  This is mainly a healing class, but still has damaging spells.

3.  Iop’s Heart:  The warrior class.

4.  Cra’s Range:  The archer class.

There is very little customization you can do on your characters.  You have a choice between two hairstyles and five outfits; however, you can change the colors/tones of your skin, hair, and eyes.
Upon logging in you will notice a classic Square Enix style layout.  I, right away, thought of Final Fantasy Tactics; others I talked to were reminded of Secrets of Mana.  I never played Dofus, but I’ve seen many comments on both YouTube and the forums that say the designs are similar.  The colors are bright and vibrant, and the music is soothing.  

You begin with a tutorial, and I found it surprisingly helpful.  The first part of it takes place away from other players.  This is a tactical role-playing game; therefore, it’s not what most MMO players are used to.  You have to run up to the creatures, right click on them, and select attack to start up your battle.  You then get to choose where on the “battle field” you would like to be placed.  Both you and your enemies have 30 seconds to play out your turns.  Each ability costs a certain amount of ability points (AP) and you only have six AP to use per turn.  You also have three move points (MP) that you may use as well.  You may click end turn when you are finished or wait for your 30 seconds to be up.  Your enemy plays out there turn and then it’s back to you.  Learn to play your turns quickly so that you may earn extra bonuses.

Once you finish part one you move on to Incarnum.  I considered Incarnum part two of your tutorial.  This is where you start to see the other players in-game.  You have the options to duel them, party up, chat, and if they are in battle you can be a spectator.  Part two of your tutorial allows you to continue farming enemies to further learn your characters abilities.  If you are feeling confident enough you can head over to the Dojo and learn about elemental attacks, bonuses for playing your rounds quickly, and the importance of attacking from different directions.  The other option you have is to learn about the ecosystem.  Here they will teach you to be a trapper, so that you may help with balancing the ecosystem.  As the ecosystem concept is substantial I’ve provided a link that will further explain it http://www.wakfu.com/en/mmorpg/discovery/features/ecosystem.  

I absolutely fell in love with this game.  There are so many features I haven’t had a chance to play around with yet.  I urge each and every one of you to sign up for open beta on April 27th, and try Wakfu out for yourselves.  

As always feel free to leave any comments below or follow me on twitter @akadarcee.  I will leave you with a link to the Wakfu trailer.  Check it out!!!!  http://youtu.be/sWEF6CR1b5Q 

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