Friday 1 April 2011

A Perfect Day To Start A Blog

After several months of rolling the idea of a gaming blog in my head I finally decided today is the day to do it, and what a day to start.  It's April 1st, April Fools Day, and Blizzard outdid themselves this year.  In fact I was enjoying myself so much reading their patch notes for Patch 4.1.11 and messing around with Crabby the Dungeon Helper Tool and never even bothered to sign in to the Gods and Heroes: Rise of Rome Beta or even look to see if any other games had fun with their subscribers today. 

If you missed Patch 4.1.11 you need to head over to right now and check it out.  Don't worry we'll wait.  You back??  Good!  I love seeing a company that has enough sense of humor to make fun of itself.   From the odd feeling of "Going Back in Time" once you hit Burning Crusade content to Ragnaros suddenly sprouting a pair of legs, Blizzard never failed to at least make you smile. 
My personal favorites included their Hero Class improvements like:  Whenever a player takes a screenshot of a boss kill or similar accomplishment, all death knight characters will appear slightly more prominent in the image, Mages being OP:  Frost mages have been given one additional snare effect, so that they will be brought up to the level of other classes (combined), and the misspelling of Rogues:  Due to continual misspellings of the “rogue” class, we have officially changed the name to the easier to type “rouge.”

Anyone who went to sign in today had to notice the link on their launcher introducing the new dungeon helper.  Hopefully it made most of you curious enough to click it and check it out.  If you did you were introduced to the lovable Crabby, an obvious spoof on Microsoft's paperclip helper.  I was soon pleased to find out that Crabby would accompany me all day on my travels through the World of Warcraft site offering me "helpful" tips, knowledge, and at one point sending me to Youtube to listen to Rebbeca Black's "smash hit" Friday.  We even got into an argument on whether or not crabs had mandibles.  I know I'm not alone when I say, "Blizzard, I want an in-game Crabby pet."

Finally, the most confusing post of the day, the announcement of the upcoming dungeon Tomb of Immortal Darkness.  The reason I say confusing is, although an obvious April Fools joke, the idea of the dungeon actually made sense.  I was briefly excited to see the post on my Facebook announcing this new dungeon only to be disappointed that its coming in "Patch 4.1.11" and the joke of "Deep Dark Technology."  The silly screen shots furthered my disappointment as humorous as they were. 
Here's why I'm disappointed: the first sentence in the description lead me to believe this was a dungeon carrying on the quest chain that involved Jitters back before Cataclysm.  I was hoping to get to see what "evil" he had actually awoken.  I really didn't care if this ended up being a giant Worgen slaughterfest, I was just happy to see a bit of the "Old World" making a new appearance.  Maybe Blizzard will read the many, many posts begging them to make this a real dungeon... wait what am I saying, that'll never happen.

Happy April Fools everyone and I will try to be back next week with a small review on Gods and Heroes: Rise of Rome for you.  Feel free to leave any comments below or follow me on twitter @akadarcee.

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