Thursday 21 April 2011

Gamer Girls

About eight months ago one of our guild members had a run in what we call a “Gamer Girl,” meaning a female MMO player who uses her feminine wiles to get whatever she wants.  One of our fellow guildies met the “Gamer Girl” while running a random heroic.  She -being a healer- made note on how well he tanked and began messaging him.   They swapped Vent information and their relationship became personal.   It wasn’t long before he started asking other females in our guild for relationship advice.  To keep him fascinated with her, this “Gamer Girl” began showing an “interest” in him.  She would tell him things that would tease him with the prospect of furthering their relationship.  As it turned out, our guild’s relationship “experts” told him the same thing, that she was using him, to quit being an idiot; but of course, he refused to listen.

While this relationship was initially being “built,” he would tank for her anytime she asked and convinced him to start organizing her own guild’s raid runs, all the while neglecting his own guild.  When he would start to annoy her, she would “end” their relationship only to ask him the following day to come and tank for her again.  Finally; after being driven insane from confusion, he ended things himself.  Only then did he clue in that she was using him.

What are the types of Gamer Girl?

There are five different types of “Gamer Girls.”  They include:

1.       1.  The “Gold Digger” is the “Gamer Girl” who is always that little bit short on funds for whatever
she needs.  Thank goodness she has you to help her.

2.       2.  The “Mat Looter” is always short on mats; luckily you’re a steady farmer.

3.       3.  The “Kunoichi” (Female Ninja) will use her charm when that piece of loot drops that you both need.  It’s nice that you’re a gentleman.

4.       4.  The “Manizer” is the “Girl” who uses players for their skills.  Whether they need you to tank for their raid, give them run-throughs, etc. 

5.       5.  The “G.I.R.L” aka Guy In Real Life.  This is self-explanatory.
How can you spot a gamer girl?

“Gamer Girls” have a tendency to target the “nice” or the “naive” players.  They start out by asking for a small favour here (a little bit of gold, a couple expensive mats that they just “cannot” get by themselves) and another there.   These “nice” or “naive” players will not request any sort of payment, contrary to the fact that she will insist that she pay him back.  Over time, one should notice that these girls have not and will not return the favour, and if asked, will make up excuses as to why they aren’t able to deliver.  Trust your friends and colleagues; chances are they will notice long before you will.

How do you properly handle a gamer girl?

 If you suspect a “Gamer Girl” is in your guild:  Begin by monitoring them (notice whether they are consistently taking advantage) then bring your suspicions to your Guild Master’s attention.  If they notice something, a guild meeting should then be arranged.  If it’s apparent that your guild has been infiltrated by a “Gamer Girl” and has been noticed by others, then a follow-up meeting should occur including this “Girl” (Using the term lightly because G-I-R-L, can mean Guy-In-Real-Life after all) to discuss their behaviour, and try to rectify the problem.  It’s not necessary to “attack” them (because they might actually not know that they’re doing it), simply explain that it has come to your attention that they have been taking a lot from the guild (bank and members included) but not giving back in turn.  If this continues to happen then another meeting will need to take place, resulting in extreme measures.  The Guild Master should remove their guild privileges (bank access, repair fund, etc.), inform all members in the guild (Maybe post on the Guild Message of the Day) of what she has been up to, and put her on a probationary term to try and absolve for their discrepancies.  As a last resort (because they may be a remarkable player), they may have to be removed from the Guild, and inform any allies the guild may have of their practices.

Here’s how not to handle a “Gamer Girl” incident.  A few weeks ago one of the guilds I am in had a “Gamer Girl” taking advantage of other guild mates.  It eventually became severe enough that the guild leader and officers went on a “witch hunt,” removing anyone they thought to be a girl from the guild.  Being a girl myself, I stayed quiet not alerting attention. 

 If you are personally the target of a “Gamer Girl” and know them for what they are; then, cut off all contact; put that character on ignore, and possibly request that they be blocked from using your guild’s Vent server.  DO NOT BE TAKEN IN BY A PHONEY APOLOGY.

What if you are a gamer girl?

Some gamer girls don’t even notice what they are doing.  Many of your guild mates will insist on giving you stuff, so make sure you give back.

 From personal experience, I’ve had a guild mate spend several days farming up the matts to make me the 245 tanking chest piece from WOTLK and not ask for anything in return.  I countered it with enchanting his gear and doing his transmutes for free.  This way I feel like I am not taking advantage.

If you still think your “Gamer girl” relationship is going to work out after all I’ve said; I’m going to leave you with one more thought: Your orc and her blood elf will make terrible babies.  For more about “Gamer Girls” I’ve provided a link to Nyhm’s “Girl Gamer” on YouTube  That’s all from me this week, if you’d like to leave a comment you may do so below or follow me on twitter @akadarcee.

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