Thursday 28 April 2011

Patch 4.1.0

This week patch 4.1.0 went live, and I figured this would be a good time to discuss some of the newest changes and features.  This is a fairly large patch; a lot of new content and elements were introduced.  If you haven’t read the patch notes yet, you should probably get on that (

Rise of the Zandalari 
The days when great troll empires stretched across ancient Kalimdor are long past. Millennia of war and internal strife have stripped these nations of their power, lands, and glory. As Azeroth recovers from the destruction of the Cataclysm, the world's divided troll populations face a bleak future. These dark times have spurred the trolls of the Zandalar, the historically wise and scholarly tribe from which all trolls originated, to take drastic action. They have embarked on a bold crusade to save their race by uniting trolls into a single mighty empire. With the Zandalari's aid, the fallen capitals of the Gurubashi and Amani nations—Zul'Gurub and Zul'Aman—are already rebuilding, replenishing their forces for a bloody campaign to expand their territories.

Yet Vol'jin and his Darkspear trolls are not aligned with the Zandalari. They have sworn to stand with their Horde comrades—and even work with the Alliance—should the trolls ignite a new war on Azeroth. Soon, Vol'jin might be forced to act on his promise, for if the Gurubashi and Amani are left to their own devices, the world will know the legendary strength and savagery of the ancient troll empires once again.

When it was first announced that Zul’Gurub and Zul’Aman would be returning as 5-player heroic dungeons I was so excited.  I never had the chance to complete Zul’Gurub has a level 60 raid until and only had one opportunity to try Zul’Aman which ended horribly.  I thought it was an intelligent move on Blizzards part announcing the come-back of these two amazingly popular raids back as heroics just in time for Rift’s big launch.  So, naturally, I was shocked when this news didn’t go over well with the rest of the Warcraft population. 

Is this yet another issue of Blizzard re-hashing content?

Just because these new heroics share the same name as the old raids doesn’t necessarily mean that Blizzard repackaged them up for you.  If you do the new Stranglethorn content (starting from Northern Stranglethorn and working your way to Southern Stranglethorn) you will wind up doing the chain quest that briefly sends you back into Zul’Gurub.  This new storyline is why we are returning.  The gear that drops has such a high item level to help get players ready for Firelands (4.2.0).  For more info on the Rise of the Zandalari, I’ve posted the link to Blizzard’s explanation as well as a trailer  

Call to Arms: Dungeon Finder

On April 7th, 2011 Blizzard announced their newest feature in Patch 4.1, Call to Arms for the dungeon finder.  It is designed to entice players to fill the rolls most needed at the time to lower queue times by awarding them with a bag of items (Satchel of Exotic Mysteries) upon completion of any random level 85 heroic dungeon.

Here’s how it will work.  If the queue times are lengthy the Call to Arms function will take effect.  It determines which class is needed the most (Call to Arms – Tank, Call to Arms – Healer, and (I’m laughing while I type this one) Call to Arms – DPS).  To qualify you must queue alone and complete the level 85 heroic dungeon.  The bag of goodies will contain gold, but may also include a rare gem, flasks or potions, vanity pets, or even a rare mount.  These rare mounts are strictly dungeon drop mounts such as the Deathcharger’s Reins from Strattholme.

What’s with all the complaining?

As a natural product of every Blizzard announcement, the amount of complaining went through the roof.  DPS everywhere are outraged that Blizzard has “forgotten” them even though this Call to Arms dungeon finder is made specifically to help them.  I say, at least, give this new feature a chance before complaining about it.  The first week or two may be challenging with a flood of DPS queuing up to tank, but eventually these “new fail tanks” will either get better or will quit trying.  If this is still a huge problem for you as a DPS that you are missing out on rare mounts and so on, roll a tank and give it a shot.  You may actually enjoy the tanking experience, and (on the plus side) the Satchel of Exotic Mysteries is bind on account.  Therefore, your DPS that you are trying to earn the mounts on can still have the chance.

Guild Challenges

Guild challenges are new ways for your guild members to work together.  Your guild will have all week to try and complete each challenge (and it is optional) to earn your guild more experience, gold for your guild bank, and achievements.  From what I understand you will receive credit for completing any dungeon or raid (no matter the skill level) but your rewards will scale.  For your guild to qualify for the guild challenge the party must be made up of the proper amount of guild members.  For instance 5-man dungeons should have at least 3 guild members present to receive the credit (8 members for 10-mans and 20 for 25-mans).  Your guild must also be level 5 and higher to be eligible.  

What if your guild doesn’t need the experience?

Blizzard is well aware that some guild’s have already hit the level 25 cap on experience.  These guilds will receive extra gold (on top of what they earned initially) for their guild banks.  This way these guilds will still benefit from guild challenges.  If your guild manages to hit the daily cap on experience, guild challenges will push past the cap.  

Guild Finder
The guild finder is designed to be an efficient way of finding new guilds or recruiting players for an already existing guild.  It is a step in the right direction; however, it’s not quite where most players would want it.  What would have been useful is to include cross-realm guilds as well for those hardcore players willing to realm transfer for a better guild experience. 
Usually I would have a question here, but I have decided to post something I saw in the Patch 4.1 Guild Finder comments.

A player who went by Geørge wrote that he wished their was a guild hall, or a place where guild members could meet and interact.  It was then expanded further by a player named Argusius.  He stated that the guild hall should be a phased out area for guild members.  There should be things like boss simulations and training rooms.  Imagine what that would do to the game.  I would love to have a feature where i could go and practise said boss without looking like a noob.  It seems like such a clever idea.  Maybe one day (fingers crossed).  

These were just a few of the many changes that occurred in patch 4.1.0, so please go and read the full patch notes.  Your character may have had a big change that you don’t know about yet.  Thanks for reading.  As always I urge you to post your comments below and follow me on twitter @akadarcee.  This week I’m testing several really great games, so look out for that.

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