I saw something I had never seen, as of yet, while I was logging into Warcraft. I was waiting on the loading screen and glanced down at the little blurb underneath the loading screen art. Usually, I read something along the lines of "Don't stand in fire" or some other random piece of advice. Today I read, "Tip: Nobody has seen Alleria and
Turalyon in years. I'm staring at this and getting myself far more excited than I should.
First of all, how is this a tip? Usually a Warcraft tip is along the lines of "Companion pets are account-wide.
If one of your character has a pet, all your characters can use that
pet." You know what I think, this is more foreshadowing than a normal game tip. They are leaving us trails of hints and clues to what the upcoming expansion will be.
I had originally thought we were going to have another Burning Legion expansion, along the way we would stumble across Alleria and Turalyon. But here's what I'm thinking now.
We are not ready for another Burning Legion expansion. We are not ready for Sargeras, so I'm pushing that aside. I have a few different scenarios for how this is going to play out, all of which involve the old "dark portal" crew.
Several possible scenarios can unfold for Danath Trollbane. He is currently sitting in Honor Hold as we speak in the same loop with Alleria and Turalyon's son, Arator the Redeemer. Scenario #1: Danath and "little Arator" (who's not so little anymore) set out on an expedition to find Alleria and Turalyon. This may lead us to new zones in the Outlands. Scenario #2: Danath Trollbane takes back Stromgarde giving the Alliance another major city (a matching Horde city will also pop up somewhere in the world). Scenario #3: This one I've been wondering about for quite some time. When Deathwing ransacked Stormwind, one statue fell over. It was the statue of Danath Trollbane. I always considered this to be an omen and Danath is going to die somehow. Whether its in scenario 1, 2, or elsewhere. I know that the statue has been fixed, but I still think of this as an omen.
Khadgar is currently located in Shattrath. I don't think he's going to return to Dalaran and be with the Kirin Tor, but he will be their representative in the Outlands. If anyone has read any of the Warcraft books, you probably came across this juicy little fact. Khadgar witnessed or dreamt his own death. He knows that he dies beneath a sky of orange. When he first stepped through the Dark Portal he realised that the Draenor sky was the sky he saw in his vision. There really aren't too many scenarios for Khadgar. If Danath and Arator go off in search of Turalyon and Alleria, he is coming along. We may or may not see his death yet.
Kurdran Wildhammer has jumped around a fair bit, so its hard to say if he would make his return. He was in Shadowmoon Valley at the Wildhammer Stronghold, but during Cataclysm moved to Victor's Point in the Twilight Highlands. If he is involved in the future expansion in any way, he's probably the one who's going to come across the information of their whereabouts.
Originally, I had thought that we would be battling the Burning Legion in the same expansion, but after pondering it awhile I really think that having Turalyon and Alleria back before this happens would make things so much better. Having an expansion where we find these heroes again would be fantastic, but what would the horde do?? I have my own prediction for this, but first I want to know what you think? Let me know in the comments below.
As always I hope you enjoyed this piece of random ramblings. If you would like, follow me on twitter @akadarcee and send me a like on facebook: here. These are the two places that are updated with everything I do, whether its streaming on twitch or posting on youtube. It would also help to subscribe to both of those as well. If you have any questions that you would like me to cover feel free to send them in via facebook, twitter, or email (akadarcee@gmail.com). Catch you guys later.
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