Wednesday 4 May 2011

Breaking News!!

Last night during the live show of Legendary, it is assumed, Blizzard’s raid on the Gamebreaker Studio went live.  Gamebreaker’s fearless leader, Gary Gannon, has yet to be heard from and it is alleged that he has been taken captive by the Blizzard team lead by Bashiok.  Twitter, Facebook, and the Warcraft forums went wild with demands to “Free Gary.”


Several loyal orc fans occupied Garrosh Hellscreams chambers chanting “Free Gary, Save the Nuggz” until the wee hours of the morning.  

“Bashiok and Blizzard think we’re weak. A broken gaming community. They think we’ll roll over like a dog. How wrong they are. We will fight them in the forums until the last thread collapses and the last poster is silenced. We will fight the……m on the servers until the last /shout is done. And when there is no more /shouting we will crush their minds with trade chat. We will fight them in the internets until our fingers are bruised and bloody and our keyboards lay on the floor shattered. And if we find ourselves surrounded and disconnected…silenced and without hope…we will lift our heads in defiance and spit in their faces. But we will…NEVER STOP!!! FOR BTV!!! FREE GARY GANNON!!!!!!!”  Legendary3437, May 4, 2011

No report yet on the whereabouts of Gannon, but it is assured that his fans will not rest until they get the remainder of their Legendary episode.  MikeB aka Fony and Lore have gone into hiding fearing that they are next.  If anyone has seen or heard from Gary Gannon please contact us on the WoW forums,, follow me on twitter @akadarcee, or leave your comments below. 


  1. This just in, Blizzard has deleted the Free Gary post on the forums. I'm smelling fear.

  2. That's right, we will not be silenced. New Forum here:

  3. This morning I checked YouTube and this was posted. Free Gary!!!

  4. And heres another one.
