Friday, 21 October 2011

Mists of Pandaria!!

Lots of info released for the new expansion.  I'm going to dive right into it.

 *Single, Unified Continent
 *5 new zones
 *Influenced by Asian landscape
 *Auction House, Bank and Central Questing Hub all in the new continent
 *No Flying until max level

Enemy Races:
 * Jinyu
 * Hozu
 * Verming
 * Mantid
 * Mogu
 * Sha
Basically we find Pandaria, which has been shrouded by mist since The Sundering, from a naval battle.  We wash up on shore and find this lush land that we can potentially harvest.  The starting zone in Pandaria will be the Jade Forest.  Horde will wash up at the north and Alliance at the south.  We will meet up in the middle.  The two races we find here will be the Hozu and the Jinyu.  Each faction will try and befriend one of these races, turning the two against each other.  Horde will befriend Jinyu and Alliance will befriend Hozu.  The Jade Forest will also have an 85-86 dungeon (Temple of the Jade Serpent.

The other zone that they talked about was the "Valley of the Four Winds."  This zone acts as two zones for the price of one.  You can choose to go South (Coastal Jungle) or go North (Pandaren Farmlands).  This is to make questing seem a lot less linear.  This zone will also have a dungeon (Stormstout Brewery).  It is said that dungeons will have a presence in the zones.  

The Pandaren starting area will be on a giant turtle.  You will start out as a neutral race, as you complete your first ten levels.  At level ten you will then get to choose your faction (Horde or Alliance).  This starting zone is already playable, those attending Blizzcon will have the opportunity to try it out.

New Features

New Playable Race: Pandaren
 *Classes: Hunter, Mage, Monk, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warrior
  *Bouncy: Reduces fall damage by half.
  *Inner Peace: Double Rested XP.
  *Gourmond: +15 to cooking.
  *Epicurean: Double Stats to Food Buffs.
  *Quaking Palm:  You touch a secret point on an enemy target putting it to sleep for 3 secs

New Class: Monk
 *Races: All can be a monk except for Worgens and Goblins.
     -Brewmaster: Tank
     -Mistweaver: Healer (stand up in melee)
     -Windwalker: melee dps
  *Not a Hero Class: You will start at level 1
  *Martial Arts Based Combat
     -Hand and Feet Combat.  You will build up to your finishing move that you will use your weapon for.
  *There will be lots of monk only animations
     -Specializes in Staves and Fist Weapons
     -They will also be able to use one handed axes, maces, and swords
     -Duel Wielding has not been decided yet.
     -Healers will use off-hands.
   *You will be leather wearers, relying on agility or intellect.
   *Build up your Chi (energy) used for Jab and Roll
   *No Auto Attack
   *You will have a new bar (currently in the lower middle of your screen).

Talent Changes

There are so many talent changes that I will cover more tonight, but here is a preview.  With Cataclysm the talent trees had more pros than cons.  You will still start choosing your talents at level ten.  To break it down, once you hit level 10 you will choose your spec.  I play a paladin, so I would choose Retribution, Protection, or Holy.  I will get my first spec ability and will earn additional spec abilities later on.  There will only be one talent tree and you will earn talents every 15 levels.  For each talent you will have three choices.  You will choose one that you want and cannot go back down the tree to get any you missed.  There will be no mandatory talents, thus breaking the "cookie cutter" specs. Again, I will go into this more later tonight.

PVE Scenarios
PVE Scenarios will be short instances set up for a few players.  This is set up like questing and should take the place of group quests.  It will be a staged experience with no player collision.  You will queue up for these, much like the dungeon finder but with no role requirement.

Challenge Mode Dungeons
These are time trial versions of dungeons.  Upon completing these you will earn bronze, silver, or gold medals.  Gear levels will be normalized (skill before gear).  You will earn neat new gear rewards with no stats, aka Transmo Gear.  You will also get valor points, bragging rights, and your chance to grace the leader board.  That's right, there will be a leader board.

Pet Battle System
This is a big one, and as a pet collector I am excited.  Think Pokemon: collect, level and fight with your companion pets.  This feature will be accessible to all players and it will work with almost every pet currently in the game on top of any new ones added.  You will be able to customize your pets, giving them names, abilities, and so on. 

There will be wild pets in the world that you will be able to catch.  If you find one in the world you can engage it in battle with one of your current pets.  If you win, you will add this new pet to your pet journal.  Each wild pet will have varying stats, so you may have to catch one several times to find the one you are looking for.  They will have unique spawning abilities.  Some may spawn at different seasons, different weather conditions, night or day, and so on.  For example, there may be a pet available during spring, when it rains at nighttime. 
  You will be able to build teams, so level multiple pets.  You will be able to access your pet journal across your account.  You will not need to level multiple pets across multiple toons.  What's this pet journal I've mentioned a few times??  It's a new page that allows you to access and customize your current pets.  As well, you will be able to look up existing pets and where to get them. 

These pets will be tradeable.  You will be able to level up and customize a pet and then sell it on the auction house. 

There will be PVP and PVE battles and the combat will be turn-based.  You will queue up for battles much like dungeons and battlegrounds and you will be placed in battles with players who have equal leveled pets.  You will eventually be able to fight battles with a team of three pets. 

I mentioned Pokemon because there are so many similarities.  Here's another, there will be master's throughout the world.  You can battle these masters and if you win they will give you master abilities. 

All in all, I feel like this is an exciting new feature that should be a hit.  

There will be nine new dungeons upon launch, six of which will be in Pandaria.  There will also be heroic updates of old dungeons: Scholomance and Scarlet Monastery (completely redone).


There will be three new epic raids at launch.  All three raids can be accessed through the raid finder in normal or heroic difficulty.   On top of raids, World Raid Bosses will be returning.  This is to get us out of Stormwind and Orgimmar and into the world again.


 There will be more max. level content available with multiple hubs and extra incentives for dungeon lovers and raiders (I am assuming pvp'ers as well).  The example given was complete five daily quests and get a buff.  This buff in a dungeon will allow you to drop a piece of gear that only people with this buff can see.  

As I mentioned before, there will be no flying until max. level in Pandaria.  This will be so you can experience much more of the world instead of swooping in, killing your quest target and flying out.  You will have more quest choices so that your questing does not feel as linear as it did in previous expansions.  There will also be an improvement in factions, making the reputation much less grindy and little more fun.     


There will be new battlegrounds added in this expansion.

  *Stranglethorn Diamond Mines - Payload Style Battleground
    -escort mine carts to depots
    -there will be multiple tracks
    -first to x amount of resources wins.
   *Valley of Power - Murderball Style Battleground
    -Capture the artifact
    -Holding the artifact will earn you points
    -Certain zones will earn you multiple points
    -The artifact will do damage and over time the damage will increase.  
    -I immediately thought of Rift...anyone else??
  *Azshara Crater - Dota Style Battleground
    -So, I have kids so I'm not sure if I missed what they said about this or they just didn't say anything.  I will  look further into it.  
  *Tol'vir Proving Grounds - Arena
    -Based on the popular Nagrand Arena.


New achievements will be available including account wide achievements.  Think of an achievement to get every profession to max level. 

Class Changes

  *Hunter minimum range: GONE
  *Hunter Melee weapon: GONE
  *Hunters have gone from everything is a hunter weapon to nothing is a hunter weapon.
  *Ranged Slots: GONE
  *Relics: GONE
  *Rogues and warrior will throw their weapons when they need to.
  *Wands will become main hand weapons.

I will go further into more class changes later tonight, but here is what I have so far.

Warlock Changes
   *unique resource for each spec
     -Affliction: Soul Shards
     -Demonology: Demonic Fury.  Build it up and morph into a demon.
     -Destruction: Infernal Embers.  As you build it up you will get hotter and hotter.  At full you will catch fire and nuke your enemies.

Shaman Changes
   *Buff Totems: GONE
    -All totems will be utility
      -Earthgrab Totem: Roots
      -Repulsion Totem: Repels
      -Bulwark Totem: Absorb

Druid Changes:
Druids always felt like they had four classes, so now they do.
  *Feral (Cat)
  *Guardian (Bear)
There will be some overlapping between these two classes, but they are now separate from each other.  All druids will still have cat and bear form.

All classes
  *Spell books will be cleaned up.
  *Spell rotations will be improved
  *Spells will be automatically learned
  *Introduction of several new spells
  *Specs will be more developed
  *Talent trees will be more fun!!

Believe it or not, this is just a portion of the information on Mists of Pandaria that is being release at Blizzcon.  Stay tuned, I will bring you more.


Chris Metzen has confirmed that "Mists of Pandaria" will be the next Warcraft expansion.  Level cap will be increased from 85 to 90.  We will get a new playable race, Pandaren, which will be shared among both Horde and Alliance.  From what I understand, you will get to choose which faction you want in your journey through the Pandaren starting zone.  We will be getting a new Monk class, which I will admit I've been looking forward to for an extremely long time.  For everyone looking forward to Brewmaster, it's sounding like that may be a subclass (maybe to spec into). 

Racial abilities will be:
  • Bouncy: reduces fall damage by half.
  • Inner peace: double rested XP.
  • Gourmond: +15 to cooking.
  • Epicurean: double stats to food buffs.
We will be getting a new continent, Pandaria.  There will be new talent systems, pet battle systems, PVE scenerios, and challenge mode dungeons.
There will not be a new "evil" bad guy that we need to stop because this time round the enemies are the Horde and the Alliance.  That's right it is WAR!!   
 I will keep you all posted as I learn more!!  Happy Blizzcon everyone!!

Thursday, 13 October 2011


Dear Friends,

Help me get in the game!

I'm raising money and awareness for my local Children's Miracle Network Hospital.

On Oct. 15, 2011, I'll attempt to play video games for 24 hours straight in hopes you'll support me by giving just $1 per hour ($24 total).

Your donation is tax-deductible and 100 percent of your gift goes to help kids.

My fellow Extra Life gamers and I are going to make miracles happen for kids. I can't reach my goal without your support. Any contribution will help, and all donations are tax deductible. Donating online is safe and easy! To make an online donation please click the "Support This Participant" button on this page.

Thank you for your time, support and participation.

Saturday, 28 May 2011


I'm finding it difficult, with my newborn and my 3 year old, to stick with my Tuesday and Thursday schedule during the summer.  I'm going to put my schedule aside until the fall and just put out reviews and blog posts when I find a moment.

Thank you for being understanding.


Thursday, 19 May 2011

Taking A Week Off

Hey guys,

Between a teething baby and family coming to town today I've had no time to actually work on a proper post.  However, I did find the time to do this:


I did have some issues with this video... the program I used told me after I was done that it could only be 2 mins. long.  I worked really hard on the video, so I didn't want to shorten it.  I decided I would Hypercam it; unfortunately, that led to skipping and some freezes.  Take it as it is, though.

Have a great weekend... play some LA Noire (It looks awesome).


Tuesday, 17 May 2011

That Was Left Out.... Why?

This week, due to my irritating issues with Black Prophecy, I’ve decided to talk (more question) about game designing that doesn’t make sense for us (gamers) in 2011.  If you never read Tueday’s review go take a look right now; I will be bringing it up.  

Key functions being left out

I have yet to find a good review for Final Fantasy XIV (highest being 2 out of 5 stars), but the main reason I’m bringing it up is the lack of “jump.”  For a game being released this day and age it makes no sense to leave out something (although minor) that prevents you from getting stuck on the terrain.  There is nothing more irritating than running, running, running and, BAM, you’re stuck on a flower pot.  Other games you could just jump over it and carry on.  This game had far too many complaints to discuss here (lack of containers, targeting, lack of auction, copy pasted terrain).  It blows my mind that a company, with so many hits, would put their name to this game with all of its faults.
Don’t hate me for this, but I’m bringing up Star Wars The Old Republic.  We’ve been hearing  about all the money going into this game and all the amazing features it will have; then I hear this: SWTOR will not have swimming.  It’s said that you can wade out into the water and a message will flash on your screen telling you to turn around or you will drown.  While the lack of “underwater combat” makes me happy I do not like that my Jedi cannot swim.  Many people will argue that lightsabres don’t work underwater which is understandable (Kit Fisto’s did) but that shouldn’t stop a Jedi from being able to swim.  One of my biggest pet peeves in many single player games was falling into water and drowning because I couldn’t swim.

Mac vs. PC

At this point, with so many gamers spread between the two systems, our games need to be released for both.  Console gamers have these options (as long as designers didn’t sign on exclusively with one console) why don’t we?  World of Tanks did not release for Macs and Nexon announced that they had no intentions of releasing their games for the other system.  This seems strange to me and leaves me with no intentions of ever owning a Mac.  For more on the state of Mac gaming I suggest reading an article posted on Macworld:

Graphics are too high for a regular gamers system

There is no need for a game to be that awesome to look at if no one will be able to play it.  If you read Tuesday’s review you’d know my problem with Black Prophecy.  The short story, my computer (a year old) did not meet the system requirements to run Black Prophecy.  I am not about to run out and buy a whole new system to play your little space game no matter how awesome your character creator is.  I could play EVE or Star Trek and get my space MMO fix.
Why are these games leaving out these attributes?  I recall a month ago being so excited for ARGO online; only to log in and find that I can't play because there is no inverted y-axis.  Company's are wondering why it's so hard for a new MMO to make it in the market, it's because the older games we have did almost everything right that everyone can play. 
That's it for me the this week.  You can follow me on twitter @akaDarcee and don't forget to leave comments below.  Share with us your biggest disappointment in a game that you could not play or lacked something you enjoyed.  I'll be back on Tuesday with a game that (hopefully) lets me play it.

Backyard Monsters Review

All right guys, I decided this week I would do something a little bit different and review some "guilty pleasure" games (as I call them).  These are small games found on social networks like FaceBook that many people do not want to admit they play (or like them).  This weeks "guilty pleasure" game is "Backyard Monsters" by Critters.  It is a strategy game allowing you to build the best (and well defended) monster city... while destroying other people's cities.
First off, Backyard Monsters is not like most FaceBook games (relying on your friends to play in order to advance); although friends can help you with reducing your upgrading times and can send you gifts.  You do have the option (like most FaceBook games) to buy the "special currency."  Backyard Monsters uses "shiny's" as their currency.  You can pick mushrooms around your backyard (I guess that's what it would be called) and have a chance at finding shiny's, or you can just buy them.

Shiny's are used for buying your grunt workers, increasing your building area, finishing upgrades or buildings, or buying special decorations to customize your backyard.
Once logging in you begin the tutorial.  You have one worker and a few buildings.  The tutorial explains about collecting resources, upgrading buildings (using shiny's to make upgrading instant), building new buildings (using shiny's to make building instant), being attacked, defending and how to strike back, and making new monsters.  By the time the tutorial is done you will be level 5 and will have 7 days of protections from any enemy player's attacks to build your city, prepare defenses, and build an army.  If you decide to attack anyone before your protection is up you will lose that protection.

Backyard Monsters is definitely a game to check out.  I find myself playing it Tuesday morning while WoW server's are down or sometimes to pass the time on those long flights across Azeroth.  I find myself building the best army I can possibly build to destroy other people's cities (taking their recourses for my own).  Definitely a rainy day boredom filler.

Tell me what your "guilty pleasure" game is or what you think with comments below or follow me on twitter @akadarcee.  I will be back on Thursday with my "Tidbits of Interest."

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Black Prophecy Review (Kinda)

After several weeks of fighting with it, I finally decided to give you my review of Black Prophecy by Gamigo.  Videos, screenshots, and other reviews for this game made it look fairly entertaining.  I was excited to get to try their character creator which I was under the impression was remarkable.  However, here’s my Black Prophecy experience.

I logged into Gamigo’s site, made my account, and entered in my beta key.  I downloaded their beta client (which for some reason took forever) and began the install.  I believe it was about two days later before I actually got to log in.  Apparently my year old system did not meet the requirements to run said game.  I cried “BS” and re-installed the game several more times only to have the same outcome.  I then deleted the beta client and re-installed it, to no avail.  Finally in frustration, I took several days off to work on more fulfilling projects (“Free Gary”).  I went to re-download the beta client only to find that my account no longer works.  I had my password reset and new one sent to me, but the site will not recognize this new password that they generated.  Even though I never got to experience the game doesn’t mean that you will have the same issues I did, so here are some other reviews of the game from people who did get to play. 

MMO Reviews gave Black Prophecy 3.86 out of 5 stars.  There review can be accessed here: 

Mike B showed off the character creator on the BFF Report along with some gameplay.

Outpost Gamez gave Black Prophecy a 7 out of 10.  Here's what they had to say: 

Here is a video from MMOReviews:

Hopefully my problem with Black Prophecy gets resolved so that I can give them a proper review (maybe when it goes live).  That will be it from me until Thursday.  Please feel free to leave comments or even a little something about your experience with Black Prophecy.  Don't forget to follow me on twitter @akadarcee. 

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Gary Gannon Update!!

Late last night two YouTube videos were released.  They were placed unlisted on the popular video site, so only accessible if you have the link.  Here is the link to the first video:

New theories of sprung up about what may have happened to Gary.  The most popular is that Blizzard led by Bashiok took out the studio and captured our beloved ginger.  A few fans have made mention that Gary jested of being involved in the Sony Online Entertainment hacking, and they are the ones behind all this.  New reports say that Darnell, the host of BlizzBlues, has been behind this incident all along.   After the second YouTube video emerged (, fans have been wondering, "is Darnell really the captor?" "Has Blizzard taken him as well?" or "Is he there to save Gary and clear his name?"

Gary's fans have been doing as much as they can to find their beloved host using whatever tools they possess (websites, blogsites, forum posts). 

News of Gary's disappearance has reached the popular Trion MMO, Rift. A forum post was found entiltled "Gary Gannon is missing!  Help!"   I've provided a list of current (known) forum posts involving the disappearance of Gary Gannon:!-HELP!  (Blizzard removed our first one)

We hope to hear word from the Gamebreaker crew soon, as Sunday is fast approaching, and we need our Republic, TWIMMO, and Sanctum fixes.  If you have any information you may leave comments below, post at, or contact @irljasmine, @akamikeb, @devolore.  Don't forget to follow me on twitter @akadarcee.  I will try to keep everyone updated.

Legendary Episode #27

SOE Hacked, Blizzard's Patch 4.2, and More...

What’s made the MMO news this week?  From Sony Online Entertainment’s hackers to Warcraft’s Patch 4.2 notes, this week has been full of interesting events that I just could not leave untouched.  

Sony Online Entertainment: Hacked??

...that’s right you heard correctly.  April 20th, Sony noticed an attack on their servers, but never reported it for two days.  Their customers were finally notified April 26th.  SOE went offline (forums, games, etc.) due to their player’s personal information being compromised.  Some of the stolen information included: names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, login names and passwords, and birthdates.  Those customers that had any credit card or debit card information stolen were contacted (from what I understand they were all non-US customers).

However, it doesn’t end there, Sony informed the public this week the hackers acquired more information from approximately 24.6 million customer accounts.  These accounts contained an estimated 12 700 credit card and debit card numbers.

How will this attack affect you?

This is an extremely difficult problem.  Information that can lead to fraud and scams has been taken, along with credit card information.  Due to the servers being offline, customers cannot access their accounts to change any of their information.  One thing customer’s need to do is change password and information on their other (non Sony) accounts.  As many people use the same passwords and login information on other accounts, hackers will be able to infiltrate other online sites/services.  Customer’s need to be wary of anyone saying they are from their banks or other trustworthy companies.  As always, never give out any personal information (pins, account numbers) over the phone or email.  Lastly, check and recheck all credit card statements to make sure you are not the target of credit card fraud.

A release date for Star Wars: The Old Republic??

Yesterday (May the Fourth be with you), financial reports from EA were released which included an approximate release date for, the much anticipated MMO, “Star Wars: The Old Republic.”  The report stated that SWTOR would be released Q2 FY12 or Q3 FY12 which means sometime between September and December of this year.  I’ve provided the link to their financial report if you are interested

APB: Reloaded Open Beta

APB has announced that open beta will begin May 18th.  Various features will be fixed and ready to go for open beta, along with new items.  As I did not get into closed beta, I am looking forward to having my try before launch date.  As for those pesky aimbotters, changes will be made to the game prior to open beta launching.  Goodbye cheaters, you will not be missed.

Lots and Lots and Lots of Blizzard News

Blizzard announced that a new vanity pet will be available in their online pet store.  The Cenarian Hatchling will cost players $10.00 USD and 100% of the proceeds, from now until July 31st, will go towards the Japan Earthquake Relief.  The Cenarian Hatchling is a replica of the rare Hippogryph Hatchling obtained through the Warcraft trading cards.  Help support the Red Cross by purchasing your Cenarian hippogryph today.

As well, information for Patch 4.2 was released all this week.  New quest lines, Firelands info, and the highly anticipated Legendary weapon were one at a time posted for viewers to read and begin flooding the forums with their complaints.  Probably the largest complaint was that the newest raid, Firelands, would only have seven bosses.  The forums lit up with angry posts and Bashiok was there to “calm” them down with his replies that made very little sense.  I believe what he was trying to convey was that Blizzard tried to make challenging and entertaining boss fights; therefore, only seven bosses were needed.  However, it took him several posts and many angry players to express this.

Caster DPS players were ecstatic to learn that the new legendary weapon was a DPS staff, Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest.  It will be the end reward to an epic quest line involving the blue dragonflight appointing a new leader (Malygos met his demise in Wrath of the Lich King).  This quest line is said to need guild involvement and your guild mates will receive a special vanity pet once a guildy receives their shiny new staff.

That’s it from me this week.  If you would like to leave a comment feel free to do so below.  Follow me on twitter @akadarcee or keep checking back Tuesdays and Thursdays for new posts.   

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Breaking News!!

Last night during the live show of Legendary, it is assumed, Blizzard’s raid on the Gamebreaker Studio went live.  Gamebreaker’s fearless leader, Gary Gannon, has yet to be heard from and it is alleged that he has been taken captive by the Blizzard team lead by Bashiok.  Twitter, Facebook, and the Warcraft forums went wild with demands to “Free Gary.”


Several loyal orc fans occupied Garrosh Hellscreams chambers chanting “Free Gary, Save the Nuggz” until the wee hours of the morning.  

“Bashiok and Blizzard think we’re weak. A broken gaming community. They think we’ll roll over like a dog. How wrong they are. We will fight them in the forums until the last thread collapses and the last poster is silenced. We will fight the……m on the servers until the last /shout is done. And when there is no more /shouting we will crush their minds with trade chat. We will fight them in the internets until our fingers are bruised and bloody and our keyboards lay on the floor shattered. And if we find ourselves surrounded and disconnected…silenced and without hope…we will lift our heads in defiance and spit in their faces. But we will…NEVER STOP!!! FOR BTV!!! FREE GARY GANNON!!!!!!!”  Legendary3437, May 4, 2011

No report yet on the whereabouts of Gannon, but it is assured that his fans will not rest until they get the remainder of their Legendary episode.  MikeB aka Fony and Lore have gone into hiding fearing that they are next.  If anyone has seen or heard from Gary Gannon please contact us on the WoW forums,, follow me on twitter @akadarcee, or leave your comments below. 

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Super Hero Squad Online Review

Marvel Super Hero Squad Online (by Gazillion Inc.) said goodbye to closed beta and has opened its arms to anyone wishing to give their game a try.  I immediately jumped on the opportunity, (not having the good fortune to get into closed beta) and both myself and my son (3 years old) created our accounts.  This game actually intrigued me, as it is an MMO geared towards ages 4-6.  There is a safe chat filter and there are moderators that do look over chat logs.  Super Hero Squad Online states that they are COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act) compliant and are part of the ESRB Safe Harbour program.

Safe Chat Feature

Super Hero Squad Online has two types of chat to keep your children safe.  The first is the Safe Chat which goes through strict filtering and phrasing and is only accessible if authorized by parents.  Personal information is not allowed to be shared.  They have assured that even though you may see something you have written doesn’t mean everyone else did.  The second type of chat is the menu chat consisting of pre-created messages and emotes open to everyone.  For more on keeping your children safe I strongly suggest reading the “Parents” section at  


Super Hero Squad Online is a browser based game (only needing a minor download), but you would never know it graphics wise.  The graphics stay true to the TV series: cartoony and cute.  Keeping in mind that this MMO is meant for children, the gameplay was fairly simple.  Players use their mouse for pretty much everything (very little keyboard use).  You click to run, click to fight, you get the picture.  My son was not familiar with playing with a mouse, but after his first day he had it figured out.  You begin with a tutorial that goes over everything you will need to know.  You begin by choosing your character (Cyclops or Ms. Marvel).  They then go into moving around and defeating enemies (earning tickets for the prize wheel).  Next, you get a crack at the prize wheel (1 ticket per spin); winning either items for your HQ or silver (gold for members).  You then are shown how to purchase new heroes (in this case Falcon and Thing) and how to switch from hero to hero.  Finally you are shown how to access missions. 

Once you find yourself in a mission, you’ll see just how simplistic the game really is.  You continuously left click on your enemy and build up star points.  Star points allow you to use your special abilities by right clicking on your enemy.  When you have all your stars lit up, you may use your Hero Up ability.  It is a large attack dealing multiple damage to all enemies around you.  Each mission has two stages and then a boss fight.  The boss fights were (in my opinion) super difficult.  I had the hardest time completing them without dying a gazillion times.  If I couldn’t beat them than no 6 year old could. 

I found dying in game somewhat interesting.  As of right now, there is absolutely no death penalty.  When you die you are reincarnated right where you were (full health, no star points) and can continue on.  My son tested this out rather well having started a mission and then leaving to go watch TV.  Enemies attacked and killed him repeatedly for several hours before I finally turned it off.

Free To Play, Subscription, Micro-transactions?

Super Hero Squad Online is available to all as a free to play MMO; however, you do not have access to everything in the game.  There is a monthly subscription of $9.95 a month that allows you to earn gold from the prize wheel and gives you access to purchase heroes not available to the free to play gamer.  I’ve also been informed that there will be Micro-transactions as well, allowing you to purchase in-game currency.  

Is Super Hero Squad Online worth trying?

If you (or your child) are a fan of the TV series and a collector of the action figures, I highly recommend trying the game out.  As there is no need to subscribe, give the game a trial run and see how you like it.  My son loved the game, so this week we are definitely purchasing a subscription for him. 

Please feel free to leave a comment below or follow me on twitter @akadarcee.  Check back in Thursday for my weekly "Tidbits of Interest" or wait until next week for the next review (so many to choose from).