Monday, 8 April 2013

LFR Part 2: The Other Players

Hey everyone, today I'm going to continue my ramble on the LFR and chat to you about the other twenty-four players.  If you haven't read part 1 yet on the loot system, you can do so here.  Dealing with the other players is the #1 thing I cannot stand about the LFR.  In the end, there aren't too many fixes that Blizzard can do to make this better, but we'll take a look at it anyways.  

I'm going to start with the elitists.  These are the players that think they are the best in the group.  They belittle everyone who cannot "keep up" with them,  the tanks are never doing a good enough job, and they are the first to point out if anyone makes a mistake.  Most of the time I can handle this type of player, but sometimes it just makes the experience go by much better if you put them on ignore.  You won't have to listen to them ranting about how awful you are and you will never get grouped with them again.  It's a win/ win.  What people need to understand is that not everyone is as geared as they are.  It's actually a really simple concept.

What can be done??  As I said before, there really aren't too many fixes for something like this beyond putting the player on ignore.  I'm not entirely certain why more people don't use that system.  It works and it's extremely funny to watch the one sided conversation between the rest of the raid and the guy you cannot see posting.  If the player is being exceptionally rude than right click on their portrait and hit the report button.  Blizzard does look at it and they make the call on if it was bannable, suspendable, or if you are just being a whiny baby.  It really doesn't hurt to use it.  If you have a fix for this problem, I would love to hear it, feel free to leave it in the comments below.
Next up is the bad players.  There are several different types of bad players, so I'll try and get them all in here for you.  I'll start with the people that I really can't stand: "I've never been here before!!"  Don't be this guy!!  Here's a tip for you people, if you are about to enter a LFR that you have never been to before please familiarise yourself with the mechanics.  It's really not hard, in fact you don't even have to tab out to do so.  Blizzard put in a dungeon journal for a reason and they even simplified it for you by adding little symbols to things that you may need to know about.  If you are a tank, there are little shields next to some of the abilities.  This means tank alert and you should probably read that one.  Healers, there is a little healing symbol (the plus sign) which means healing alert, in short this ability does loads of damage and you need to watch for it.  I suggest with healers, open up each ability and see if any of the sub abilities need to watched out for as well.  The skull and cross-bones stands for deadly, something you should probably read about.  Exclamation Mark (!) stands for important, again you should probably look at that one.  Quickly skim through these and you're good to go.  I will be doing an entire article on how to properly use the dungeon journal sometime next week.

If this is still too hard for you to figure out, than you are the perfect candidate for add-ons.  Go check out the forums and do a little research to find the add-on that is right for you.  I am a full supporter of add-ons, I use deadly boss mods to remind me that certain abilities are being cast.  In short, you gain that extra bit of raid awareness that you never had.  Tell us what add-ons you use for raiding in the comments below.  

The next type of "bad player" would be the players that aren't contributing to the fight.  I'm not talking about the ones that are doing their full rotation but just aren't putting out the numbers as everyone else is.  I'm talking about the people who could be doing well, but stand there and let everyone else take care of the fight.     While it would be nice to have Blizzard add in some sort of system where players like that don't get loot, right now all we can do is vote kick them once the fight is done.  

If there are enough of these bad players that you are wiping on boss fights, do not worry.  Don't jump ship just yet.  Blizzard added in the determination buff.  If you've been putting in an effort on the boss, but you wiped due to lack of dps or whatever you will gain this buff.  This buff increases your damage dealt, your health, and healing received by 5% and it stacks 10 times.  The first thing you're probably thinking is "people are going to abuse that."  Here's the thing, in order for you to get the buff after wiping you need to have been fighting the boss for a certain amount of time.  This shows that you were putting in the effort, but just didn't have the right group makeup to complete it.  I have yet to have a person insist on wiping it to get the buff, but I have seen forum posts complaining about it happening.  Here's the thing, you might as well just finish the boss up instead of wiping it to get the extra 5%.  You're not saving time, you're being an idiot.  

When I say don't jump ship, I really mean it.  Eventually that buff will stack up to an appropriate level for you to complete it.  Would you rather wipe three times and get the boss down, or wipe once and leave, only to have a 46 minute queue and be placed at the beginning of the raid again with a group that probably knows less about it than the one you just came from.  The most I've had this buff stack to is four.  This was on the first week this raid was released, so people were still learning the mechanics.  After the fourth try we knew the mechanics and had the extra 20% to get us by.  It really wasn't that bad.

I don't want to just single out the dps, but seriously there's 2 tanks, 6 healers, and 17 dps... so it's a bit hard to not single you out.  All right, dps you are important to the fight too.  If you are not fighting the adds like you are supposed to, you are going to cause a wipe.  Do not assume the others will do it for you, attack the adds.  Here's another thing,  don't pull for the tank!!!  Usually, there's a reason we are waiting to pull or a reason we are going at a certain pace.  If you wanted to set the pace, than you need to re-roll a tank.  Here's a great example from the LFR I just completed.  We downed the first boss and both our tanks left, so now we're waiting for new ones.  We have an impatient mage who doesn't understand why we're all waiting so he goes ahead and pulls the next mob and we wipe.  Now he's going on and on about how he didn't know we didn't have any tanks, but in short, you are not a tank so you do not pull.  

Here's another thing to watch out for.  If you have an ability that can be raid wiping or just irritating make sure you do not have it on.  Here's some examples: retribution paladins with righteous fury on, hunters with aspect of the pack on, hunters with their pet's taunt on, shamans and their earth elemental... these are all a few examples of irritating things that make the make the rest of the raid's jobs harder and more irritating.  Nothing sucks more than a death knight popping his army of the dead on a boss with a vicious frontal attack.  Suddenly the boss is flipping around this way and that and spraying the entire raid with nastiness.  FYI: you want to use your army of the dead get the "glyph of army of the dead."  In short, your ghouls no longer taunt the target and it's a minor glyph... problem solved.

I have probably missed a ton of info, so please feel free to point it out to me and I'll update this.  The only thing I have left to say about dealing with other players is don't bring attention to yourself.  Don't come into the group and say, "hey guys, I've never been her before.  Any tips?"  Chat away with other players, but don't let on that you don't know what you're doing.  That's how you bring on the attention of the elitists, and they will make your LFR experience a bad one.  If you are a tank, please at least half know the fights.  Your queue may be instant but the rest of us tend to have to wait anywhere from 30-50 minutes for our queue to pop. It's no fun to finally get in and have the tank or tanks not know what they're doing, especially when it's so easy to figure it out.  

That's it for this week, as always feel free to leave a comment below.  Also, because I don't exactly post on a schedule, if you want to know when I post new articles you need to follow me on twitter @akadarcee or send me a like on facebook.  You can also subscribe to my twitch .  I'll catch you all later.

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